Sales Guide

Expand each section below as you move through the quote. Please note, text in black must be read, and text in blue is more of a note or prompt.

Before you start the quote

Can I please confirm that all travellers to be insured on this policy are:

  • permanent residents of the United Kingdom or Channel Islands
  • registered with a GP in the UK
  • not already abroad or travelling when the policy starts
  • starting and ending their trip in the UK
  • not awaiting any tests, investigation or surgery for any undiagnosed condition.

The policy requires that you are fit to travel, not travelling against medical advice, or with the intention of having medical treatment abroad.

For all travellers you will be required to declare medical history.

From time to time the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) will advise to only undertake essential travel to a particular destination. If your trip is not essential and you choose to travel contrary to the FCDO’s advice, we will only cover a claim if the cause is not linked to the reason for the advice. This limitation applies even if you have purchased the Large-Scale Events Extension optional upgrade.

If the FCDO have advised against all travel to your destination, there is no cover under this policy apart from the Cancelling Your Trip section in the Large-Scale Events Extension optional upgrade.

To do a quote, I will need to take some details about you, your health and your trip/s.

We only collect information in relation to the purchase of a new policy, including personal details of each traveller, for example your name, DOB, address and medical information. All information is stored in line with UK data protection law and GDPR. All quotes today are provided on a non-advised basis.

Travel Details Section

Are you looking for a single trip or a multi trip policy?

Where will you be travelling to?

(Note: Ensure correct geographical location chosen for customer destination(s))
What date would you like your policy to start?

(Note: Please ensure that for multi-trip policies the maximum number of days per trip is highlighted and customer informed that cancellation cover starts from the chosen start date of the policy.)

(Note: Applicable for ST quotes only) When are you returning to your home address in the UK?

Is the policy just for you or are there others travelling with you?

(Note: Applicable when not all travelling on same policy)

There is some cover for cancellation or cutting short your trip as a result of existing health conditions of anyone not insured on this policy, please check the policy for the specific requirements.

So, if you are travelling with others, we strongly recommend all travellers to be insured on the same policy.

In the event of a claim, we can only pay for the portion of the holiday cost for the people named on the policy purchased.

(Note: If there are four people travelling of which you are one, and the policy only covers yourself, we would only reimburse a quarter of the total cost of the holiday, regardless of who paid for the trip)

Travellers Section

I now need to take details for each person you would like insured on the policy?

Face-to-Face Sales Only
Ensure the customer is shown the statement of demands and needs. If the policy does not meet their needs then do no proceed with the quote/sale.

Medical Summary Section

To complete your medical declaration, I need to ask some questions about your health and any prescribed medications for you and anyone listed on the policy.

If applicable read where declaring on behalf of other travelers

Do you have permission to provide us with medical information on behalf of everyone named on this policy?

(Note: If yes, they must have the permission and check the accuracy of all the answers given with that person. If no we will need to speak to that person.)

So next I will take height and weight and any medications and what they are taken for in regards to each person named on the policy.

(Note: If the customer asks why we need this information, you can explain that the Protectif system that we use for medical screening aims to capture a snapshot of the customer’s medical history, this allows us to give them a quote tailored to their actual health, rather than pigeon-holing them into a box based on their condition(s). Capturing a rough BMI helps us to do this – it only needs to be approximate. By taking this approach, we are usually able to offer extremely competitive quotes for those with medical conditions, ranging from well controlled to very serious.)

Then when we have all the conditions listed, we will go into more detail separately on each condition. Some questions may not seem relevant as conditions affect people differently and we just need to make sure we have checked to get the right outcome for you.

IMPORTANT: All trigger questions and medical declaration questions MUST be read in full as shown on the sale journey now.

(Note: Confirm that you have everyone that needs to declare medical conditions. You only need to complete declaration for people with medical conditions, the system will prompt you to type in the names of medications and then select the condition it is taken for. Please then read all the questions as displayed on the system)

Note: MUST be read if – Medical Decline is presented on the screen.

Thank you, based on the information you have given me today we are unable to offer you travel insurance.

There is an impartial travel insurance directory provided by Money Helper that may be able to help find a provider who can cover your medical conditions, would you like to take down their details now or I can send the contact details by email if you’d prefer?

Face-to-Face Sales
Verbally provide Money Helper details and email if required.

Policy Selection Section

Can I take an email address so we can send you your policy documents?

Just a few questions about your trip now.

How much cover do you need per person travelling if you had to unexpectedly cancel or cut short your trip?

(Only offer policies with the appropriate cancellation value e.g. if the customer needs a minimum £5,000, only offer Premier and Supreme)

(If a multi-trip, what is the cost of the most expensive trip during the year)

(Pre-booked examples: Transport, accommodations, excursions, deposit, etc)

(Note: If a multi-trip, highlight the maximum number of days per trip and that cancellation cover starts from the chosen start date of the policy.)

Now I will provide you with details of the available cover

(Note: ensure you cover the main aspects with customer: Cancellation, Curtailment, Medical Expenses, Excess, Personal possessions & Gadget)

Policy Extension Section

I’ll now run through the options available which you may need.

COVID 19 – notes
All of our policies have some cover in relation to COVID-19. So, there is cover for cancellation due to testing positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of the start of your trip, or cutting short your trip due to testing positive while you are away.

If you would like to have more cover for:

  • cancellation if you are required to self-isolate
  • trip disruption due to delayed or positive test results
  • self-isolation on your trip, if you are quarantined to your pre-booked accommodation
  • contribution to your hotel costs if you must quarantine when you come home.

Would you like to add the Covid-19 extension to your policy for an additional premium of £XX

Cruises – notes
Cruise trips are covered as standard on your policy. (Single Trip and Multi Trip Only)
If the customer requires additional cover for cruise trip select the Cruise Plus Extension. This extension provides cover for missed ports, cabin confinement and unused pre-booked excursions. Cover is also provided for changes to the cruise itinerary. Please check you have the cover you need based on the requirements set out by your cruise provider.

For a UK cruise (British Isles as an example), the destination can be UK.

We also have the following extensions available, would any of these be of interest to you?
(Note: please see description of these on the sales journey and ensure you confirm the cost of the extension to the customer)

  • Winter Sports Extension
  • Large Scale Events Extension
  • Golf Extension
  • Business Extension
  • Multi Trip Duration Extension
Activities Section

Will you be taking part in any sports or activities whilst you are travelling?

If yes to Sports / activities, type the activity into the box on the sale journey and check the activity falls into the included activities on the policy. If the activity does not appear on this the activity list, no cover can be provided.

If yes to Sports and activities, make the customer aware there is no cover under the Personal Accident or Personal Liability Sections for a number of activities. Please refer to the policy wording for more information. Advise that all activities are covered on a non-professional basis. Examples of non-leisure activities are: professional/semi-professional/paid/sponsored racing, timed events – unless otherwise specified, professional, display events, photoshoots, etc.

We consider ‘professional or competitive’ to be activities/sports where you are either paid for participating in, receive any element of sponsorship, fees or prize money in excess of £200).

Contact Details Section

Can I now take your postcode and the first line of your address?

Can I also take the best contact number for you?

Summary Section

(Note: Summarise the below details –

  • Product (cover level)
  • Destination(s)
  • Trip Dates
  • Activities
  • Number of insured
  • Medical declared or not declared
  • Any additional options are taken

Based on the information given today, the total amount payable is £… which includes Insurance Premium Tax (IPT).

Our polices are insured by Collinson Insurance which is a trading name of Astrenska Insurance Limited.

(Note: When applicable)

You have an increased policy excess of £…. This is on top of the standard policy excess and would be applied for claims over £500 that are as a result of the declared conditions. This additional excess will still apply if an excess waiver has been purchased.

(Note: Pick one of the below)

  • (Note: No Money helper referral required) Would you like to go ahead with the policy today
  • (Note: If a -1 or -9 or Med Premium over £120 or customer decides to exclude conditions (not in top 6) – Read the Money Helper Referral statement below)

(Note: Money Helper Referral Statement)
Whilst we are confident that we offer competitive and fair pricing in relation to medical conditions, based on the information provided you / travellers names

  • (Note: Applicable -1 & -9 outcomes) had one or more medical condition/s excluded at this time
  • (Note: Applicable to medical premium over £120) have a medical premium quote of over £120
  • (Note: Applicable when customer chooses to exclude (not top 6)) have chosen to exclude medical conditions

I need to make you aware that the Money Helper travel insurance directory may be able to help you find a provider who can offer to cover medical conditions fully or offer an alternative premium.

We also need to make you aware that:
This policy covers emergency treatment that cannot wait until you return back to the UK. In the unfortunate event that you need emergency medical assistance or require an overnight stay in a medical facility. You must contact the 24hour assistance service, so they can help support and advise you appropriately. Failure to make contact at the earliest opportunity could mean that your claim is limited or declined.

Face-to-Face Sales
Ensure the customer is shown:

  1. The IPID relevant to the cover level they have selected
  2. The terms of business
  3. The summary of cover selected so the customer can ensure their details and cover (including any medical declaration) is correct

Allow them good time to review the above – once customer has read the documentation and the summary, check that they are happy with the cover and want to proceed. Confirm all the relevant documentation showing exclusions, limits and product features will be sent once the sale is concluded.

Read if this is a telephone sale
As the policy is sold over the Phone, we have covered key benefits and exclusions. For full benefits and exclusions, our terms of business, complaints policy, information regarding our remuneration as well as details of the insurer, can be found in your policy documents and on our website.

If you are happy to proceed on this limited information, I will send the details to you after you have bought the policy. Is this, ok?

(Note: Please make sure the customer confirms that they are happy to proceed before taking payment. If the customer would like to see more details first, please signpost them to the relevant information on the quote documentation first if customer wants more information can also refer to the website).

Payment Section

We will now complete the payment of £….

The payment of £… is complete

(Note: For refunds) The refund of £… is complete and will in your account within the next 3-5 working days.

Closing Statement

Your documents will be emailed to you now at: [Customers Email Address] Note: state customers email address and spell email address out phonetically to customer).

If the customer does not have an email address, please send an email to with the quote/policy reference number and explain that you need the documents to be posted to the customer. These will arrive in 3-5 working days.

This should arrive shortly via email; however, do you have a pen handy so I can give you your reference number now? Please check your junk folder as sometimes they can end up in there.

(Note: Read when a quote)
Please take the time to read the documentation carefully, as it has the full details of the events insured and levels of cover. The terms and conditions of the policy can be found in the IPID, Policy Wording and our privacy policy.

This quote will be valid for 28 days, once expired you would need to complete a new quote for travel insurance.

(Note: Read when sold the policy)
Please take the time to read the documentation carefully, as it has the full details of the events insured and levels of cover. The terms and conditions of the policy which can be found in the IPID, Policy Wording and our privacy policy.

All our polices offer a 14-day cooling off period if you change your mind. We will refund the premium in full provided nobody on the policy has travelled or made a claim.

If anything, that you have told us today changes between now and when you travel, including any changes in health that occur you must call us as it could affect whether a claim is paid or not.
If anything, you tell us might increase the risk and chance of a claim, we may ask you to pay an additional premium, change the policy terms or withdraw cover altogether.

(Note: For example, an illness or injury that occurs after buying the policy but before your trip or a change to an existing medical condition or medication.)

(Note: read for quote and purchased policy)
Is there anything else I can help you with today?

Thank you for your call/time today and for considering/purchasing a Citybond Suretravel Policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sales Questions

What is covered under each policy type and level of cover?

Please click here to view our cover table. 

What cover do the policies provide for COVID-19?

Our policies provide cover for certain COVID-19 scenarios, such as:

  • Cover if the customer need to cancel within 14 days of their trip, or need to cut short their trip as a result of testing positive for COVID-19. 
  • Cover if they require emergency medical assistance during their trip, as a result of contracting the Coronavirus. 

If they would like additional protection against Coronavirus, we offer an optional COVID-19 extension, which provides:

  • Cover if they need to cancel their trip as a result of being required to self-isolate, or if they need to self-isolate during their trip as a result of COVID-19.
  • Cover if the hotel they booked is placed into compulsory quarantine, and they miss their pre-booked transportation back to the UK. 
  • Cover if they are required to produce a negative text in the UK and their result is delayed, causing them to miss their departure. 
  • Cover if the Government changes re-entry requirements, impacting their return to the UK. 
  • Cover if they need emergency medical treatment abroad or if they need to be brought home due to COVID-19, and they have travelled to a country where the FCDO advise against all but essential travel. 

Please visit our cover tables or policy wordings for more information. 

Which countries are covered under each destination group?

Please click here for a full list.

  • United Kingdom – England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland

  • Australia and New Zealand – all countries covered by the Europe bracket plus Australia and New Zealand.

  • Europe excluding Spain – all countries west of the Ural Mountains, Algeria, the Azores excluding Mediterranean Islands & Canary Islands, Armenia, Cyprus, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia & Turkey.

  • Europe including Spain – all countries mentioned above as well as Mediterranean Islands & Canary Islands but excluding Armenia, Cyprus, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia & Turkey.

  • Worldwide excluding USA, Caribbean, Canada & Mexico – anywhere in the world includes Cyprus, Tunisia, Turkey Egypt, Morocco, and Armenia but excludes the United States of America, Canada, the Caribbean, and Mexico

  • Worldwide excluding Mexico – anywhere in the world excluding Mexico.

  • Worldwide including Mexico – anywhere in the world.

    If you are travelling to more than one region for example Australia and Thailand then you should select the region that covers all your destinations with the highest level of cover e.g., Worldwide excluding USA, Caribbean, Canada & Mexico.

Please note, we will only be able to provide cover for travel to destinations deems safe by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). Please see the question below for more information. 

Why are Turkey and Cyprus not covered under your European destination groups? 

Turkey – The reason that we class Turkey as a Worldwide country is due to its geographical location. Turkey is a country in the Middle East. Another reason that we class Turkey as a Worldwide country is that they do not accept the EHIC/GHIC Card because the country is not part of Europe. This means there is no State support with emergency medical care, meaning that medical expenses are likely to be a lot higher than they would be in a European country.

Cyprus – The reason that we class Cyprus as a Worldwide country is due to its geographical location. Cyprus is technically located in Asia and half of the country (the North) is under Turkish administration. For this reason we class Cyprus as a Worldwide country.

What is your cover for destinations in relation to FCDO advice?

Please note, from time to time the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) will advise to only undertake essential travel to a particular destination. If the customer’s trip is not essential and they choose to travel contrary to the FCDO’s advice, we will only cover a claim if the cause is not linked to the reason for the advice. This limitation applies even if they purchase the optional trip disruption upgrade. They may be able to travel with full cover if we authorise in writing that their trip is essential before they depart – please contact the Underwriting team to discuss this directly. 

If the FCDO have advised against all travel to their destination, there is no cover under this policy apart from the ‘Cancelling Your Trip section’ in the Large-Scale Events optional upgrade. There is also no cover under this policy if other government regulations or actions are in place restricting travel.

Please click here to visit the FCDO website, search for your destination and check their advice. 

What is covered under each optional extension?

Please click here to view our compare cover table, which includes the benefits available under the optional extensions. Alternatively, for full details please visit our policy wordings.   

Can my customer get cover for sports equipment?

Yes – we can provide cover for Winter Sports and Golf equipment under our optional extensions. Please click here for more information on the cover provided by these extensions. Alternatively, for full details please visit our policy wordings.  

Do you cover Pregnancy? Does my customer need to declare their pregnancy?

We cover pregnancy as standard up to 28 weeks (or up to 24 weeks for multiple births). There is no need to declare the pregnancy to us, but if the customer has any medical conditions or pregnancy related complications (for example gestational diabetes) these will need to be declared to us.  Please make sure their medical practitioner or midwife has confirmed that they are fit to travel (you can tell the customer that some airlines may request to see proof of this upon boarding).

If the customer are confirmed not fit to travel, or if they will be more than 28 weeks pregnant at the start of their trip, (24 weeks for multiple births), they can make a claim under “Cancelling Your Trip” provided they purchased their policy/booked a trip before they were aware they would not be able to travel,

Do the Citybond Suretravel policies cover cruising?

With the exception of our Longstay policy we cover cruising as standard. If they would like additional cover for things like missed port visits, cabin confinement and unused pre-booked excursions, they will need to purchase the Cruise Plus extension. Please check that the customer has the cover they need based on the requirements set out by their cruise provider.

Which activities are covered under the policies?

Please click here to view a complete list. 

Which discount codes can I offer to customers?

You should be able to enter ‘Discount5’, ‘Discount10’ and ‘Discount15’ to apply a 5%, 10% or 15% discount for your customers. Only one discount can be applied per policy. Please note, using discount codes will reduce your commission.

What is the maximum age on each policy type? 
  • Our Single Trip policies have no upper age limits.
  • The maximum age limit on Multi Trip policies is 85 years.
  • The maximum age limit on Longstay policies is 75 years.
  • The maximum age limit on our Winter Sports Extension is 70 years. 

Please remember that the availability of quotes will also be affected by the outcome of a medical screening plus age, trip duration and destination. Please see the question below for more information. 

What is the maximum duration customers can travel on each policy type?  
  • Single Trip policies cover trips up to 100 days (when aged 75 & under) or up to 31 days (when aged 76+).
  • Multi Trip policies are designed to cover an unlimited number of trips in a 12-month period, as long as each trip is up to 50 days (when aged 65 years & under) or up to 35 days (when aged 66 – 85 years). This can be extended up to 100 days per trip (when aged up to 65) by purchasing our optional extension.
  • Our Longstay policy durations are as below:
Age at date of starting the policy Destination Maximum Trip Duration
Up to 65 years Europe
Worldwide Excluding USA, Caribbean, Canada & Mexico
Worldwide Including USA, Caribbean, Canada & Mexico
12 months
12 months
12 months
66-70 years Europe
Worldwide Excluding USA, Caribbean, Canada & Mexico
Worldwide Including USA, Caribbean, Canada & Mexico
12 months
9 months
6 months
71-75 years Europe
Worldwide Excluding USA, Caribbean, Canada & Mexico
Worldwide Including USA, Caribbean, Canada & Mexico
12 months
6 months
4 months
  • Our Winter Sports Extension will cover the customer for up to 31 days on a Single Trip policy or for up to 17 days per trip on a Multi Trip policy.
Can I create an individual policy for a child under 18?

Please give us a call so we can discuss this directly. We can consider selling them a policy, but we may need to manually apply rates to issue the policy.

Medical Screening Questions

Why do we need a customer’s height and weight to do a medical screening?

The Protectif system that we use for our medical screening aims to capture a snapshot of the customer’s medical history, this allows us to give them a quote tailored to their actual health, rather than pigeon-holing them into a box based on their condition(s). Capturing a rough BMI helps us to do this – it only needs to be approximate. By taking this approach, we are usually able to offer extremely competitive quotes for those with medical conditions, ranging from well controlled to very serious.

I need help to complete a medical screening, what should I do? 

No problem at all, simply call our customer services team on 0333 005 1094 and they will be more than happy to talk to help. 

My customer’s health has changed, do we need to tell you?

If there is a change in health after the policy has been purchased, such as new or increased medication, any referral for tests or a specialist appointment, or a new diagnosis/course of treatment, we need to know or any claim they make, whether it is related or not, may only be paid in part or declined altogether. If we feel that anything they tell us might increase the risk and chance of a claim, we may ask them to pay an additional premium, apply an increased excess, change the policy terms or withdraw cover altogether. Please contact the customer service team to discuss a change in health. 

What is the Money Helper Directory?

The Money Helper Directory is run by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS). The Money Helper travel insurance directory has been created for people who have potentially been refused cover, had cover excluded, or received a high additional premium in connection to their medical conditions, to allow them to shop around alternative providers.

As part of our quote process, we have set up automatic Money Helper referral ‘prompts’ if we are unable to provide cover for their medical conditions, or if the additional premium for their medical conditions is over £100 for example. 

Just in case you need the details outside of the quote process, they are below:

  • By Phone – call 0800 138 7777, they are open Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm
  • Online – you can visit the online travel insurance Money Helper directory for a full list of participating travel insurance brands by clicking here
  • By Email – simply contact

Policy Change and Upgrade Questions

How do I upgrade a policy? 

Simply log in to the portal and locate the customer’s policy using the search functionality. When the customer’s details appear under the search box, you will then be able to see the available policy upgrades and optional extras.

How do I edit the details on a policy? 

Simply log in to the portal and locate the customer’s policy using the search functionality. When the customer’s details appear under the search box, you will then be able to edit the details.

Can a customer downgrade their cover? 

No, customers are only able to upgrade their policy once purchased. 

Policy Cancellation Questions

How do I cancel a policy?  

Simply log in to the portal and locate the customer’s policy using the search functionality. When the customer’s details appear under the search box, you will then see a red cancel button. Click this, and the portal will guide you through the process of requesting a refund for the customer. Please note, the policy cannot be cancelled if they have already travelled on the policy, made a claim or intend to make a claim.  

What are the cancellation terms?

If your customer chooses to cancel within the cooling off period (within 14 days of purchase), they will be given a full refund – as long as they have not already travelled on the policy, made a claim or intend to make a claim.

If they decide to cancel outside of the 14-day cooling-off period, no premium will be refunded. However, discretion may be exercised in exceptional circumstances to provide a refund for unused cover, those exceptional circumstances being bereavement or an unexpected change to their policy resulting in us being unable to continue covering them. The unused premium will be calculated on a sliding scale basis as follows: 

Number of months the
policy was live before
Refund % Number of months the
policy was live before
Refund %
1 month 75% 7 months 20%
2 months 60% 8 months 15%
3 months 50% 9 months 10%
4 months 40% 10 months 5%
5 months 30% 11 months 0%
6 months 25% 12 months 0%